will we win the kite competition?
Friday, June 20, 2014
Emely's Lesson On Altitude
Altitude? Sound weird right, but it is actually not. Altitude is the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level. This relates to kites because we want to see how high our kite can fly off the ground and see how many feet it goes off the ground. This also relates to the kite because we are having a contest and one of the kites are highest flying kite and in order to win that contest you need to have a high altitude. So I think if you want to win that contest you need a high altitude.But be careful with the weight because if its too heavy it might not have altitude at all.
Emely's Kite Building Experience
RIP SWISH CUT PLOP, building kites are not as easy as you think it is. It requires hard work and creative minds to think of different ways to design a kite. This project was very difficult to do but we still managed to do it. One part that was very challenging was making the sunset for the california style because we had to make different shades of orange and make sure they look like a light but dark orange at the same time, then we had to put it on the kite and blend it in to make the color look like its fading and then add the sun and make it look like its goes with the sky. The easiest part was writing the word california in script because it was one of those small easy details that made the kite look better. It was very frustrating when we had to keep doing the sunset, we redid the sunset at least four times. I was ecstatic when we were finally done with the project because I was proud of my hard work. One thing we had to cut out from our kite was the pink and purple sunset so we just did a orange and yellow one. One thing that was difficult was making the ocean because we added the blue paint on the orange paint when it was still wet so we had to go over it a few times so it didn't dry into a color we didn't want. When you make a kite I suggest you first look up directions online first so you would have a clue on how to do it unlike us who just used our creativity.
Why Emely Chose The Fighter Kite
The style of kite we chose to select was fighter kite. We selected this style because we wanted a type of kite no one else had or a type of style that people would stop and think what type of kite is that or wow I have never seen a kite like that how did they make that. We also selected this kite because this kite was for sports and we thought not many people make kites for sports so why don’t we make one. But I think that fighter kites are cool and one of those kites that are rare and that many people don’t know about so usually you wouldn’t buy one but we thought if we make this fighter kite beautiful and unique then people would want to buy it. But back in the days most people didn’t have enough money to choose the type of kite they thought was the most beautiful they usually got the one they could afford so I think you should be grateful for being able to get kites so you should being picky about what you want because back in the days you may not even would have been able to get a kite.
Emely's Conditions That Are Ideal To Fly In
Conditions that are ideal to fly kites is in windy weather. I think this because if it was raining then the kite will come crashing down from the weight. I also think this because if it wasn’t windy then how would you get the kite in the air. I also think this because if it was snowing how would you even get the kite to fly with all the snow falling on it because then its going to get too heavy.This shows me that you need specific type of weather to fly a kite because not all types of weather are made for kite flying like for example rain and snowy weather is not for flying kites but wind/breezy weather is.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Jasmine's Craziest 2 days of her life
These two days have been really crazy because we had a lot of ups and downs trying to make this kite perfect. The most difficult part was trying to make the kite stay in the position its meant to be in. Let me tell you guys the whole story, so we started by getting all the materials.
To build our kite we used colorful sharpie markers, a bedding sheet, a thin blue rope, wooden sticks, duck tape,a stapler, scissors, and paint to top it all off. It took us both of the two days to gather all the materials and yet we still aren't done. We have so much work to do in less then a week! The second step we took to build our kite was we took the bedding sheets and made the shape of our kite. We took sharpie and traced the outline of the shape we were going to use and cut it out obviously with the scissors.
The third step we took was adding the sticks to hold the kite while in motion. This is where the problem came in. So we used the duck tape to hold the sticks to the bedding sheet, but it came apart so quickly and we needed a solution fast! So our math teacher (the genius) helped us make the kite. She stapled the ends and put the wooden sticks through the middle and did that for all four sides and we got our kite there! If it wasn't for her we would be so behind.
We only have one step left to do...guess what it is!!! Its the most creative and its not the easiest. Fine since you guys don't have a clue about what I'm talking about its the design of the kite. Duh. so since we are doing California we have the idea of using neon colors and we are going to faded one color in to another one. I hope we finish because if we don't we wont win any awards and that's the whole point of this project... for me I don't know about my other classmates. But forget about the negatives because my groups knows we are going to win all of these awards. Keyword knows. I got to go and work on my kite I'll blog you guys soon. Peace.
The Ups and Downs of this flight- Autumn
Wow that kite building experience was so much different then I imagined it, I thought I would use instructions to build this kite but we didn't. First we took the sheet I brought from my house as fabric or material, we used that as the base covering, we put the two sticks we had into a cross and then we outlined the box. Were're doing a fighter kite but in a box shape, we cut out the box shape on the sheet and taped the two stick-ed cross to the sheet.
We soon realized we needed four more sticks because duh as you scholars know a box is quadrilateral and a quadrilateral has four sticks, which is why we needed the four other sticks. My teammate Jasmine got some bamboo sticks from her dad and some were to long and some were too short, but we had our math teacher Ms.Lietsman cut of the long parts of the long stick.
Then our very fabulous scholarly teacher Ms.Leitsman had an Idea that we should staple all the sides of the square a little bit not too much and slide the sticks through the flap. We taped the middle of where the two sticks that form the line intersect. Finally we our kites structure done, all we have to do is paint our kite which will make it beautiful, also we need to add some streamers or some stuffing paper for the tail, and we need to use the rope we have for the kite to fly but not fly away from us.
Jasmine's Idea of a Flawless Kite!
A Fighter kite!?!? Hahaha sounds like a professional fighter. Not funny ok sorry just trying to make you guys laugh over here. So my team has picked that kite because we have seen that it doesn't take a long time to build the kite and we really don't have time. We are on crunch time right now! We also picked this kite because remember we are trying to build a kite that inspires people about California. But we most importantly want a nice kite and want more time to design the kite than building the kite. We want our kite finished on time but most importantly we want to win one of the competitions we picked because our kite is so unique and its looking FLAWLESS!!!
Autumn's Friendly Kiters Chat
Aloha my friendly kiters get it kite, flyers kiters
. Anyway enough jokes my group chose our kite style already we are so happy and proud of the still we chose. Our kite style is a Street Fighter kite oops a fighter kite. How awesome is that I hope my kite fights the other kites to get ahead in the competition just kidding or am I
. We chose a fighter kite because we think that our kite will be less time consuming and we might not need as much waste as we thought for the other kite styles. First we are going to tap the leading edge, fold the sail in half, fold and snip 1/8 inches at the corners for the bridle points. Second we are going to reinforce the spar, and tape the spine and spar to the sail. Third we will attach the bridle to the tow point, and hold the bridle with the kite flat, and tie a loop 1/2 inches above this point. Fourth we tape the plastic strips to the sides.
Jasmine's Best flight tips!
What conditions are ideal to fly in?
The ideal Weather to fly a kite in is a windy yet sunny day. I dont think you want to be freezing cold while flying your kite in. I know this because on the website Yahoo it states,"8-10 miles an hour blowing into an open field. You also don't want it to be raining just a sunny windy day with clear skies." This shows me that the certain weather can also decide what kite you can make. This relates to me because we soon are going to be flying our kite and we don't want it to get ruined by the weather.
heres the link to the website- https://answers.yahoo.com/ question/index?qid= 20061227174324AAzpNvG
Jasmine's Area Lesson
MATH!? I'm sorry Ms.Leistman but there's been too much math in my life and Im not even a teenager yet. But since this is school fine. Well I really did know math was involved with building a kite because we need to figure out the area of the kite. Hey area that has a lot to do with kites. The kite and area have geometry as a similarity and the area helps you figure out where to put the sticks the design for it to fly also the shapes. I know while making our kite we used area and my friend Autumn will be sure to use altitude. Now off we are to the special kite city of Cali.
Autumn's Math Learning
Hey you guys have you missed me?
NO! it's a rhetorical question people, Jeez!
Anyway did you guys know that mathematics are situated with kites too? Shh don't tell Miss Leitsman will get to happy and explode into a giant math problem explaining her happiness
. The concept I chose was the altitude of a kite. You can determine the altitude of a kite by going on this website and reading the article,http://www.grc.nasa. gov/WWW/k-12/airplane/ kitehigh.html. Altitude is situated with other things, for example Mount Everest
you could build a snow man up there say hi to Jesus for me while you're up ha-ha I crack my self up, all jokes aside it's the highest mountain in the world scientists use Altitude to determine the mountain's elevation meaning how high it is. Here are some images of Mount Everest just in case you don't what it looks like.
Ms.Rosa's Physics on Kites School
Drag? What is drag? Drag is the backward force that acts opposite to the direction of motion. Drag is caused by the difference in air pressure between the front and back of the kite and the friction of the air moving over the surface of the kite. To launch a kite into the air the force of lift must be greater than the force of weight. To keep a kite flying steady the four forces must be in balance. Lift must be equal to weight and thrust must be equal to drag.
Jasmine's Dragging Physics class
Dragggg. You guys are in for a surprise this blog post. I'm going to draggggg my words a lot here so good luck! Well you might wonder why I'm going to be dragging my wordsss. Do you know what dragging means when it comes to kites? Well i guess we both learned something today. Drag is created by wind resistance on the kite's surface. So that means the plane or kite goes in a different directionnnnn. Ok that is getting annoying I'll stop. Well a drag has to do with the motion of the kite. I'm pretty sure my kite will have drag and everythingggg!
Autumn's Physical talk with Mother Nature
So we meet again my flying kite buddies, today we will talk about physics that have to do with kites. So, lets jump right in, I picked on out of the four concepts we were given which was Dihedral. Dihedral means the angle two mathematical planes, Did you now that Diheral is also situated with aeronautics? The meaning of Diheral for aircraft is the upward angle from horizontal of the wings or tail plane of a fix wing aircraft. Also Diheral,sometimes measures in angles and sometimes in inches at the wingtip, to describe the difference in height between the center and wingtip as you would have to convert the angle to inches when you build the wing. As you can tell from some of my information Diheral is more known in the aircraft and aeronautics section more than than the kite section. Here are some images to show you about how Dihdral is situated with kites and aircraft. Enjoy building your kites, make sure you use teamwork and use the least amount of waste HELP MOTHER NATURE! POWER TO THE TREES AND PLANTS! I'm a happy so what
Autumn's Kite style the Novel
Hello my kites,oops I mean my friends these kites are getting me mixed up with humans. Well, I know we've talked about parts of a kite, but have you ever wondered about their styles and why they are placed there? Like a diamond kite, I'll tell you one thing when I heard diamond I thought about jewels. This is an image of a real life box kite, and it is placed in this category because it has four parallel struts, just like a box.
SPIDER MAN! The half man half spider is now a kite, wow how cool is that! Who knows what type of kite this is and don't say Spider Man, really no one okay I'll tell you a flat styled kite. This kite falls into the flat styled category because it is 2 dimensional, like a square.
This kite is kind of confusing, I bet some of you might thing it's a parachute but its not, It's actually a Bow Kite. Who has seen the movie Brave I have that's the first thing I thought about because of the word Bow ,like Bow and Arrow. This kite is placed in the box category because of it's swept wingtips and a concave trailing edge.
Twinkle twinkle little star how I like kites in the sky, oh hello I didn't know you were listening just singing my star kite song. So as you can see the topic of this kite is a star but, what type of kite is it? is the question
This is a Cellular kite, it is placed in this category because it Cellular kites has a wide variety of Box, Snowflakes,and Star shaped kites.
Whoa! I have no idea what the topic is of this kite is, maybe it's half colorful centipede, and half Momo
. This kite is a multi-line kite I think you could already tell by all the lines coming out of it's head. This creative and odd looking kite is considered a multi-line kite because there are multiple lines or srings coming out of it.
STREET FIGHTER! Like from Xbox 360 or from the Xbox box One not that I play it haha
. Anyway this kite is known as a fighter, and flexible kite, this kite is placed in that category because these particular kites are used for the sport kite fighting.
Have you ever heard of figure dancing? Well part of that word is in the name of this kite, this kite is called a figure kite. This kite is called a figure because it is shaped like something, like a dragonfly.
This kite is really beautiful and creative, but can you tell how thin the material is? This kite is a soft kite which is why the material is like this. It is called a soft kite because it has spars.
Try to guess what kind of kite this is, it a stacks and train kite, weird right?
This kite is placed int his category because it has multiple wings, and an entire complex forms one kite.
Emely's Ways of Thinking
Winged Kite~ This is a winged kite because winged kites are 3D shaped figures like the one below. But also because they have wings and the other kites most likely don't have wings.
Sled Kite~ This is a sled kite because all sled kites need to have a little slide in it like a dent thats going down like a sled.
Delta Kite~ This is a delta kite because delta kites are shaped as a triangle most likely and has a dent in the middle so it will be able to fly.
Box Kite~ This is a box kite because box kites are shaped like a 3D box. But if they have wings they are considered a winged box kite.
Diamond Kite~ This is a diamond kite because diamond kites are like shaped like a diamond but if they are not then they are close to being shaped like a diamond. But I could also tell by the string that's hanging from the bottom of the kite.
Jasmine's road to picking a kite
Whoa hold up wait a minute! What are the different styles of kites!? Well I mean what causes them to be a kite? First things first is the sled kite. Its well know for it being light, works great in motion, stability, and sturdiness. Its shaped like a parachute but has a scoop in it. I think it would be better if i showed you a picture...
Next is the box kite. Whoa that seems interesting... The box kite is well known for its high lifts. Wouldn't that mean it takes longer? Huh I guess so. Ok back to the point the box kite is 3D so its stands out. Its like a open kite in the middle then the outside is a box. Well no kidding now i know why the name is a box kite thanks for pointing that out captain obvious. Well a box kite looks like this.
The delta kite. Huh sound familiar. Whatever a delta kite is important for flying very high angles. Wow so it can twist and turn!? I'll make sure to tell my group about this kite! Also the kite can go through any wind most importantly like high winds. Jeez sounds like a perfect kite! Wow the delta kite looks like a beauty. Oh you wanna check it out right?
Oh snap theirs two box kites!? I got to see this! Wait it not a boxed kite its a boxed winged kite. Well I've been told it has been used in the army and it has wings so I think it would fly better with the wings. Who ever made this kite is smart and creative I'll show you guys a picture.
Last but not least we have our diamond kite!!! Well my team and have been really picky going back and forth with which kite we should use so we finalized on a diamond kite yay!!! The diamond kite is one of the most well know kites out of all kites. Also on websites I have seen they are easier to build. Yes! that's what I need! well that's how a diamond kite looks. But always remember our will look soooo much better!
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Emely Rosa's Long Kite Dictionary
SWISH SWISH, is the sound a kite makes when flying. What is the piece that causes the kite to move might you ask, well its the tail. Kites have tails for a few different reasons but there is only one that is really important. That is for stability and proper flight. Without a tail, it would come crashing down like a bird who forgot to fly because they will be just blowing over. But tails aren't only used for that they are also used for decorating purposes.
What is a brindle might you ask and what does it do and where does it go. We'll the brindle goes half way above your cross dowel down to half way below your cross dowel because trial and error will give you the correct angel of attack. A brindle is how the line you fly it with attaches to the kite. On the simple sort of diamond shaped many of us had as kids, it's the three tied strings on on the concave side of the kite. Attaching the flying line to a brindle instead of directly to the kite makes the kite more maneuverable, and there are different types of brindles depending on whether you want to do stunt flying, kite flying, etc. The bridle puts the surface of the kite at the correct angle to the wind so that it has lift to fly, as well as stability.
The keel is one of the simplest parts on a kite. In the simplest kite, you have two thin crossed pieces of wood covered by paper. The keen is the longer piece of wood. The keel is used because it allows the kite to be stable in flight.
Spars, sound familiar right? We'll u must be thinking of stars since they rhyme. But stars and spars are nothing a like. You see, spars are the sticks which hold the kites shape against the wind. Not all kites have spars though.
Sails, but not the sails on a boat! The sail I'm talking about is the one on a kite. They are mostly used on boats but they are useful for kites too. Sails catch the wind which propels the boat forward. But the sail is nothing more than a vertical wing, providing lift. But sails catch the wind which also propels the boat forward.
Spine, as in spine on our backs? I'm talking about the spines on kites. We use spines for support. The spine is responsible for good posture and supporting the weight of your body. It's what allows you to stand upright. But kites also need spines for movement and protection.
What is a brindle might you ask and what does it do and where does it go. We'll the brindle goes half way above your cross dowel down to half way below your cross dowel because trial and error will give you the correct angel of attack. A brindle is how the line you fly it with attaches to the kite. On the simple sort of diamond shaped many of us had as kids, it's the three tied strings on on the concave side of the kite. Attaching the flying line to a brindle instead of directly to the kite makes the kite more maneuverable, and there are different types of brindles depending on whether you want to do stunt flying, kite flying, etc. The bridle puts the surface of the kite at the correct angle to the wind so that it has lift to fly, as well as stability.
The keel is one of the simplest parts on a kite. In the simplest kite, you have two thin crossed pieces of wood covered by paper. The keen is the longer piece of wood. The keel is used because it allows the kite to be stable in flight.
Spars, sound familiar right? We'll u must be thinking of stars since they rhyme. But stars and spars are nothing a like. You see, spars are the sticks which hold the kites shape against the wind. Not all kites have spars though.
Sails, but not the sails on a boat! The sail I'm talking about is the one on a kite. They are mostly used on boats but they are useful for kites too. Sails catch the wind which propels the boat forward. But the sail is nothing more than a vertical wing, providing lift. But sails catch the wind which also propels the boat forward.
Spine, as in spine on our backs? I'm talking about the spines on kites. We use spines for support. The spine is responsible for good posture and supporting the weight of your body. It's what allows you to stand upright. But kites also need spines for movement and protection.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Jasmine Rodriguez Kite School- Vocabulary
Kites. You probably know what the kite is, but do you know what causes it to fly? The kite has 10 very important parts and if those parts were not added onto a kite I don't think it would be able to fly with out any of these parts. Some of these kite parts are... A standoff : These are the fine thin spars of full carbon that push the sail backwards. Thanks to these, the sail gets its shape and volume. Cross:The central-T is used to connect the lower spreaders to the spine. To prevent wear and tear to the sail, the opening in the sail has a fortification around it. Tip:The bottom part of the leading edge, provided with an end cap to tension the sail.
Leading edge:The long part of the kite that runs from the nose down to the tip. Connectors are provided on the leading edges to connect the upper spreader and the lower spreader at the precise spot on the kite . Upper spreader:(top cross) The horizontal spar that keeps the distance between the leading edges on the top part of the kite. Nose:The top-part of the kite. the nose holds everything together and hold it to not tear the fabric.
Bridle:Is the set of lines that is knotted to the frame, it allows us to steer the kite.Nose bag:Sits underneath the nose-fortification and is a piece of doubly-folded Dacron that is glued on the top of the kite. On the backside of the sail we put the spine into the nosebag.Spine tunnel:Is a piece of hard Velcro that is glued and sewed onto the sail below the central-T to keep the spine on its spot. And these are the important parts of a kite. During this project we will be using these special parts to design our kite that will be the best kite ever!
Leading edge:The long part of the kite that runs from the nose down to the tip. Connectors are provided on the leading edges to connect the upper spreader and the lower spreader at the precise spot on the kite . Upper spreader:(top cross) The horizontal spar that keeps the distance between the leading edges on the top part of the kite. Nose:The top-part of the kite. the nose holds everything together and hold it to not tear the fabric.
Bridle:Is the set of lines that is knotted to the frame, it allows us to steer the kite.Nose bag:Sits underneath the nose-fortification and is a piece of doubly-folded Dacron that is glued on the top of the kite. On the backside of the sail we put the spine into the nosebag.Spine tunnel:Is a piece of hard Velcro that is glued and sewed onto the sail below the central-T to keep the spine on its spot. And these are the important parts of a kite. During this project we will be using these special parts to design our kite that will be the best kite ever!
Autumn Paige Kite Class- Vocabulary
So we again my fellow organisms, do you know the parts of a kite? No! well you will learn parts of a kite and there function, lets get a move on. The First part of a kite is the Bridle and the Bridle is a line that attaches to the kite which you fly, interesting right! Lets move on shall we, the second part of a kite is the fittings, the fittings are replacing missing parts and they are sized according to the outside diameter. The third part of a kite is a Keel, hehe rhymes with peel. In order to be a Keel you have to have two thin crossed pieces of wood covered by paper, the Keel is the longer piece of wood. A kite line is used for handling and if chosen to small or to big it can break while flying. So the fourth part of a kite is the Sail, the sail is what flows is the air that's what needs control. Ever heard of Spars? Me either lets find out what this confusing word means, the Spars are the sticks which hold the kites shape against the wind, that's cool I never would've guessed that.

The next part is the Tail I know what you're thinking a tail of a Panda!, because that's what I was thinking. Anyway a tail is flown in the wind at end of a string, sort of like a decoration but it's needed. The next part of a kite is the Tow Point, the Tow point is where the flying line attaches to the kite's Bridle. The second to last part of the kite is the spreader the spreader are two spars that run horizontally across the span of the kite opening sail. Last but certainly not least the spine like o a skeleton but on a kite, the spine of a kite is to give the kite it's shape.
The next part is the Tail I know what you're thinking a tail of a Panda!, because that's what I was thinking. Anyway a tail is flown in the wind at end of a string, sort of like a decoration but it's needed. The next part of a kite is the Tow Point, the Tow point is where the flying line attaches to the kite's Bridle. The second to last part of the kite is the spreader the spreader are two spars that run horizontally across the span of the kite opening sail. Last but certainly not least the spine like o a skeleton but on a kite, the spine of a kite is to give the kite it's shape.
Emely, Autumn, and Jasmine important dates in kite history
Did you know that California has a lot of cool history. Such as European Exploration And Colonization, Russian And U.S Settlement, The Gold Rush, Statehood Immigration, Industrialization And Increased Settlement, Growing Pains And Natural Disasters. A lot right, the one I think that was the most significant was the European Exploration And Colonization. I think this because that is when a Spanish expedition headed by Christopher Columbus sailed west to find a new trade route to the far east but inadvertently found the Americas. On his first two voyages he reached the Bahamas and various Caribbean islands including Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. I think this is important because if this didn't happen there wouldn't be any Hispanic countries and none of use would have different cultures we would only have two cultures. I also think this important because if they didn't find these countries then there wouldn't be different places to live so then all these people would take up the space in america and it would be uncomfortable. But as the sponsor of Christopher Columbus's voyages, Spain was the first European power to settle colonize the largest areas, from north america and the Caribbean to the southern tip of south America.
Spanish cities were founded as early as 1496 with Santo Domingo in today's Dominic Republic or San Juan, Puerto Rico in 1508 or Veracruz (mexico) and Panama city in 1519. I think this is significant because this is telling you how far Spanish cities go back like how Puerto Rico was found in 1508 or Dominic Republic was found in 1496. Early right, well these people have worked really hard just to help us have a better world and they hardly got anything out of it so I am very thankful and you should be too because if they would of stayed in their houses and be lazy then we wouldn't have the type of world we have now. So next time think twice before you say anything about this world because you should be grateful because right now we could have been living in america crowded and with no space to hardly take a shower instead of living in Hawaii or Puerto Rico or visiting the Bahamas and going on vacation to visit your family members that live in other parts of the world. These are the reasons why I think European Exploration And Colonization is one of the most significant things that happened in California.
Autumn Paige's Plans for the Future
My group had a lot of goals to choose from, but we chose the most important three. One of our goals is the team with the least waste, if you remember from science class Mr.house is always telling us that"if we don't start limiting the amount of waste we throw out lots of important animals will die out." Such as cows and we all know e need our protein except the vegetarians they eat tofu yuck! So basically we are trying to help the earth or at least our community be a more cleaner and healthier place, Yay! lets help out Mother Nature!
Another goal we set for our group is most beautiful kite, we picked this goal because although we all know that California is beautiful place, but that's not why we picked this goal because of their gorgeous sunsets. Some people love California or think that it is know for the scenery, the sunsets just have a warm vibe get vibes summer vibes. I think that the way the sunset is red, orange and purple is kind of abstract and beautiful.
The last goal we picked was the most innovative, we picked this goal because when people look at our kite we want them to feel or imagine like they are in California. Do you know how when you look at a sunset and you feel safe and sound, like the song were're safe and sound, haha I crack myself up. When people want them to say wow! that's so amazing I love how the purple color kind of looks like the Aurora Australis in Antarctica. My group is going to work to the best of our abilities, and work together as a team were going to make the most creative kite! Watch out the Summer vibes were're the Sunsetterz with a z and we are going to turn you down have fun everyone!
Emely Rosa's Future Goals
One competition that would inspire our kite is most innovative design. I think one of the quality's our kite will need is a really beautiful unique look for our kite, a kind of design that not everyone will use. I also think that one of the quality's our kite will need is something people will be shocked to see or might wanna make them look at it more than once or make them fascinated with our theme. Another quality we will need for our kite for this competition is great background or history from our theme to make the people intrigued and wanna learn more. I think that if we have these quality's we might be able to win the competition for most innovative design.
A second competition that would inspire our kite is team with the least waste. I think one quality our kite will need is to not use too many things for our project because then we'll have a lot of waste. Another quality our kite will need for the competition is to try and use the most of our supplies but not too much that it will make the kite too heavy that it will not be able to fly. Another quality our kite will need for the competition is to be able to fly with the amount of supplies to put on it so if we wanna win this competition we have to be careful what products we put on the kite. I think if we use this kite we might be able to win this competition and maybe another one if we use our supplies wisely.
A second competition that would inspire our kite is team with the least waste. I think one quality our kite will need is to not use too many things for our project because then we'll have a lot of waste. Another quality our kite will need for the competition is to try and use the most of our supplies but not too much that it will make the kite too heavy that it will not be able to fly. Another quality our kite will need for the competition is to be able to fly with the amount of supplies to put on it so if we wanna win this competition we have to be careful what products we put on the kite. I think if we use this kite we might be able to win this competition and maybe another one if we use our supplies wisely.
Jasmine Rodriguez Gold Goals
Wow look at me now! I've gotten so far just by making goals and setting them for myself. When I was in elementary school I have always wanted to be in honor roll for more than 1 time. I told one of my teachers and they said ,"set goals for yourself and if you achieve them then set higher ones that you're sure you can achieve." . Now I set goals for myself and friends so not only I met my expectations but so do my friends. In ELA my group has to set goals we can met for building our kite. Now introducing our group goals... drum roll pleaseeee....
goal #1- Most innovative kite. My team picked this goal because we want people to look at our kite and say "wow that is a very unique kite and its so detailed and I love it! i'm so gonna vote for that kite!"
goal #2- Most beautiful kite. I made my team pick this goal because I am positive that we will make our kite look flawless and people will be sure to vote for us. I mean who doesn't like the scenery of a California beach!?
goal #3- Team with the least waste. We as in my team picked that goal because we wanted to save the use of paper or plastic or anything and decided to recycle everything we are using for our kite project.
Friday, June 13, 2014
Autumn Paige theme rush! get it?
PHEW! It's so hot I feel like a pizza in an oven, what do you think our kite's theme is, and don't say Florida. It's home to the Hollywood sign,and the Golden Gate Bridge, come on, no one can get it!? Ughhh all right I'll tell you California. No we didn't pick it because lots of stars are there, we chose it because it has a very interesting past or should I say intriguing past. Did you know that in the novel Dragonwings it's taking place in San Francisco which is in California or Cali as some people call it. The California Gold Rush took place in 1849, but hey isn't that when the Dragonwings novel took place in the 1800's. California is known for a lot of things but some people tend to forget about California's past. I also want to highlight that in the 1800's life was hard because there were no roads except the occasional toll road someone constructed to make money. Also we picked this theme because our great teacher Mrs.Grate is from there, wow she is from a beautiful place no wonder she is so Fabulous. She's probably been shopping there when she was a child and meet a lot of famous people too!
Emely Rosa's Theme of the World
Right now I bet you're wondering what is the theme of our kite? Well the theme of our kite is a place that most people love to visit or to meet celebrities or just check out the Hollywood sign. You may have visited here or not but this place has beautiful sunsets and gorgous beaches. The theme we picked for our kite is ...THUN THUN THUNNNN...CALIFORNA!! And before you ask no we did not pick Californa for the stars or because i've always wanted to go there. We picked Californa for the beautiful sunsets and background they have there because if you ever need time to think you can just go out in the sunset and think about the things you need to think about. And it would make a beautiful scenery for drama movies if you know what I mean **wink wink**. Our awesome teacher Mrs.Grate is from that wonderful paradise hey no wonder she wanted us to read the novel Dragonwings.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Autumn's Amazing live talk show!
Attention Boys and Girls! I now present to you the
story of Autumn, yes like the season. Autumn was born in America, at Woodhull Hospital;
her mother was so surprised to see the cutest baby in the world, not to mention
with the cutest feet. Autumn recently made an appearance at the Clash of the
Arts Talent show; she was a competitor and quite the young singer I might add.
She faced her fear of having stage fright and her voice was a shock to
everyone. She is also known for her creativity and wonderful imagination, now
she is working on a blog that will be about building kites. Autumn's dream is
to be a professional singer; she dreams that her name will be on Billboards and
in shining lights, when she becomes famous she wants to listen to the song
flashing lights get it. Autumn has a great education she is very intelligent
and she is a great speller she won two spelling bees, to bad she can't spell
tuberculosis like me, t-e-b you know forget it I can't spell it. She always
wanted to build and design her own kite, especially with her friends. Since she
is creative, and has a wonderful imagination all she has to do is draw all of
that on her kite, I think there will be a rainbow coming out of her head. Kind
of like that SpongeBob episode when Squid ward had a rainbow coming
out of his head because he was using his imagination, This will be a great opportunity
for her to bond even more with her friends because she would get the chance to
express her ideas with her group, and the most important part to build a
Friday, May 30, 2014
Emely's wild Imagination
Although shes no Windrider from Dragonwings, Emely has flied kites in her early years. Many have called her too hyper or just plain crazy. While being raised in New York City, Emely learned the way of life in the Big Apple. She loves to iceskate in the Winter and likes to swimming in the Summer or just simply just plays with the leaves during Autumn. Recently you may have seen her in Palisade Mall. Emely is very well known for her huge imagination and very loud mouth. Seriously, that girl got a pair of lungs on her! Although she may be loud everyone loves her weirdness and randomness. She is very original, and thinks outside of the box literally you can't keep that girl in a box! Emely will enjoy this project because this will be a great way for her to express her creativity.
Teresa's state of mind
Teresa was born in Woodhull hospital in Brooklyn, New York. Teresa's interests are technology, music, and games. She is in 6 grade in middle school. She has five siblings in total. Her greatest desire is to travel to Mexico.She wants to go to high school for health profession. She wants to go to that school because she wants to become a nurse as her future career. Her favorite subject is social studies because she wants to learn more about people around the world and thier culture.
Jasmine's Amazing Childhood
Recently you might have seen her at the clash of the arts talent show hosting for the participants.You may also see her in the future on billboards, in movies, on television ,or at award ceremonys. Jasmine is an outside person but yet doesnt know anyhting about building a kite. She loves to play softball and football with her family and friends. Also she likes to dance and sing during the day at some random moments. Born and rasised in the city of New York she is a quiet crazy girl if you ask me! Now in school this very hyper young lady has to build a kite with her friends. Wow doesn't that sound interesting? I hope it does! This is going to be a very active and creative activity and Jasmine wants you to join us! Now introducing Jasmine's ways of building a kite...
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