Hello my kites,oops I mean my friends these kites are getting me mixed up with humans. Well, I know we've talked about parts of a kite, but have you ever wondered about their styles and why they are placed there? Like a diamond kite, I'll tell you one thing when I heard diamond I thought about jewels. This is an image of a real life box kite, and it is placed in this category because it has four parallel struts, just like a box.
SPIDER MAN! The half man half spider is now a kite, wow how cool is that! Who knows what type of kite this is and don't say Spider Man, really no one okay I'll tell you a flat styled kite. This kite falls into the flat styled category because it is 2 dimensional, like a square.
This kite is kind of confusing, I bet some of you might thing it's a parachute but its not, It's actually a Bow Kite. Who has seen the movie Brave I have that's the first thing I thought about because of the word Bow ,like Bow and Arrow. This kite is placed in the box category because of it's swept wingtips and a concave trailing edge.
Twinkle twinkle little star how I like kites in the sky, oh hello I didn't know you were listening just singing my star kite song. So as you can see the topic of this kite is a star but, what type of kite is it? is the question
This is a Cellular kite, it is placed in this category because it Cellular kites has a wide variety of Box, Snowflakes,and Star shaped kites.
Whoa! I have no idea what the topic is of this kite is, maybe it's half colorful centipede, and half Momo
. This kite is a multi-line kite I think you could already tell by all the lines coming out of it's head. This creative and odd looking kite is considered a multi-line kite because there are multiple lines or srings coming out of it.
STREET FIGHTER! Like from Xbox 360 or from the Xbox box One not that I play it haha
. Anyway this kite is known as a fighter, and flexible kite, this kite is placed in that category because these particular kites are used for the sport kite fighting.
Have you ever heard of figure dancing? Well part of that word is in the name of this kite, this kite is called a figure kite. This kite is called a figure because it is shaped like something, like a dragonfly.
This kite is really beautiful and creative, but can you tell how thin the material is? This kite is a soft kite which is why the material is like this. It is called a soft kite because it has spars.
Try to guess what kind of kite this is, it a stacks and train kite, weird right?
This kite is placed int his category because it has multiple wings, and an entire complex forms one kite.
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