will we win the kite competition?

Monday, June 16, 2014

Emely, Autumn, and Jasmine important dates in kite history

Did you know that California has a lot of cool history. Such as European Exploration And Colonization, Russian And U.S Settlement, The Gold Rush, Statehood Immigration, Industrialization And Increased Settlement, Growing Pains And Natural Disasters. A lot right, the one I think that was the most significant was the European Exploration And Colonization. I think this because  that is when a Spanish expedition headed by Christopher Columbus sailed west to find a new trade route to the far east but inadvertently found the Americas. On his first two voyages he reached the Bahamas and various Caribbean islands including Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. I think this is important because if this didn't happen there wouldn't be any Hispanic countries and none of use would have different cultures we would only have two cultures. I also think this important because if they didn't find these countries then there wouldn't be different places to live so then all these people would take up the space in america and it would be uncomfortable. But as the sponsor of  Christopher Columbus's voyages, Spain was the first European power to settle colonize the largest areas, from north america and the Caribbean to the southern tip of south America.


 Spanish cities were founded  as early as 1496 with Santo Domingo in today's Dominic Republic or San Juan, Puerto Rico in 1508  or Veracruz (mexico) and Panama city in 1519. I think this is significant because this is telling you how far Spanish cities go back like how Puerto Rico was found in 1508 or Dominic Republic was found in 1496. Early right, well these people have worked really hard just to help us have a better world and they hardly got anything out of it so I am very thankful and you should be too because if they would of stayed in their houses and be lazy then we wouldn't have the type of world we have now. So next time think twice before you say anything about this world because you should be grateful because right now we could have been living in america crowded and with no space to hardly take a shower instead of living in Hawaii or Puerto Rico or visiting the Bahamas and going on vacation to visit your family members that live in other parts of the world. These are the reasons why I think European Exploration And Colonization is one of the most significant things that happened in California.


  1. You guys did a great job with your drawing but you guys have spelled somethings wrong for example you spelled Dominic Republic its " Dominican Republic " .

  2. Nice drawings, good job keep it up!

  3. thank you Starlin we will fix the error.
