will we win the kite competition?

Friday, June 13, 2014

Autumn Paige theme rush! get it?

PHEW! It's so hot I feel like a pizza in an oven, what do you think our kite's theme is, and don't say Florida. It's home to the Hollywood sign,and the Golden Gate Bridge, come on, no one can get it!? Ughhh all right I'll tell you California. No we didn't pick it because lots of stars are there, we chose it because it has a very interesting past or should I say intriguing past. Did you know that in the novel Dragonwings it's taking place in San Francisco which is in California or Cali as some people call it. The California Gold Rush took place in 1849, but hey isn't that when the Dragonwings novel took place in the 1800's. California is known for a lot of things but some people tend to forget about California's past. I also want to highlight that in the 1800's life was hard because there were no roads except the occasional toll road someone constructed to make money. Also we picked this theme because our great teacher Mrs.Grate is from there, wow she is from a beautiful place no wonder she is so Fabulous. She's probably been shopping there when she was a child and meet a lot of famous people too! 

1 comment:

  1. guys the colors for the words are wrong its suppose to be purple and black.
